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Veganism of Color edited by Julia Feliz Brueck

Veganism of Color edited by Julia Feliz Brueck

SKU: 9780998994659

Forget everything you’ve heard from mainstream white veganism; this  isn’t a book about single-issue advocacy through the most privileged of lenses. 


Veganism of Color is a compilation of writings from  seldom-heard voices of color drowned out by the same white noise that  systematically oppresses us all– vegan or not. This community-led effort  is a call from Vegans of Color to People of Color to decenter whiteness  and work towards dismantling a form of oppression that, although very  different, interconnects with our own. 

Embracing a social justice  spectrum that is aware of, and working against, all forms of supremacy  is a must if we are going to achieve true liberation from systems of oppression for ourselves and other marginalized communities. 


About the Editor

Julia Feliz Brueck is a published author, editor, and illustrator with a  background in science and the arts. Julia is also the founder of  Sanctuary Publishers, a book publisher that works to give back to  marginalized communities. Her work includes building bridges between  social justice movements and consistent anti-oppression activism. Her  previous published book titles include the "Baby and Toddler Vegan  Feeding Guide" and "Veganism in an Oppressive World: A Vegans-of-Color  Community Project".

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