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Queer and Trans Voices by Julia Feliz Brueck & Zoie Zane McNeill

Queer and Trans Voices by Julia Feliz Brueck & Zoie Zane McNeill

SKU: 9780998994680

What does it mean to work towards our liberation?

How can we center and  make space for ourselves and others?

How is nonhuman animal liberation  part of our own fight for queer rights?


With a focus on building bridges  between movements and dismantling hierarchies between oppressed groups  through consistent anti-oppression, Queer and Trans Voices: Achieving  Liberation Through Consistent Anti-Oppression follows the concise and  to-the-point style of resource activist and author Julia Feliz Brueck.  In this volume, Feliz Brueck and queering activist-scholar Zoie (Zane)  McNeill collaborate to raise the voices of LGBTQIA+ vegans across the  world working to acknowledge the interconnections between social justice  groups in order to consistently and effectively achieve liberation for  all.


About the Editors

Born and raised in Puerto Rico, Julia Feliz Brueck is a resource  activist, writer, illustrator, and educator with a focus on consistent  anti-oppression advocacy. Zoie (Zane) McNeill is a queer scholar, activist, and artist heralding from the hollers of West Virginia. 

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