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Iraq + 100: The First Anthology of Science Fiction to Have Emerged from Iraq

Iraq + 100: The First Anthology of Science Fiction to Have Emerged from Iraq

SKU: 9781250161321

A groundbreaking anthology of science fiction from Iraq that will challenge your perception of what it means to be “The Other”

“History is a hostage, but it will bite through the gag you tie around its mouth, bite through and still be heard.”―Operation Daniel

In a calm and serene world, one has the luxury of imagining what the future might look like.

Now try to imagine that future when your way of life has been devastated by forces beyond your control.

Iraq + 100 poses a question to Iraqi writers (those who still live in that nation, and those who have joined the worldwide diaspora): What might your home country look like in the year 2103, a century after a disastrous foreign invasion?

Using science fiction, allegory, and magical realism to challenge the perception of what it means to be “The Other”, this groundbreaking anthology edited by Hassan Blasim contains stories that are heartbreakingly surreal, and yet utterly recognizable to the human experience. Though born out of exhaustion, fear, and despair, these stories are also fueled by themes of love, family, and endurance, and woven through with a delicate thread of hope for the future.

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