LM Voices
Digital Humanities
Arts & Culture
2024-2026 OC Poet Laureate
Black Indian A Memoir by Shonda Buchanan
Sensuous Knowledge A Black Feminist Approach for Everyone by Minna Salami
Queer and Trans Voices by Julia Feliz Brueck & Zoie Zane McNeill
Baby and Toddler Vegan Feeding Guide by Julia Feliz Brueck
The Saints of Santa Ana by Jonathan E. Calvillo
Ordinary Girls: A Memoir by Jaquira Diaz
We Live for the We: The Political Power of Black Motherhood by Dani McClain
Badge of Color, Breaking the Silence by Harlen "Lamb" Lambert
American Tacos: A History and Guide by José R. Ralat
Shook One: Anxiety Playing Tricks on Me by Charlamage The God
My Life, My Love, My Legacy by Coretta Scott King and Rev. Dr. Barbara Reynolds
Primary Lessons (Memoir) by Sarah Bracey White
Out of Step: A Memoir by Anthony Moll
Women, Mujeres, Ixoq: Revolutionary Visions by Claudia D. Hernández
Taco USA: How Mexican Food Conquered America, Gustavo Arellano